Physician wellness resources
Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. We want to make sure you know where and how to get the help you and your family may need. The following resources can help you cope with challenges at work and home. Thank you for providing The Sharp Experience to our patients, their families and your colleagues during these challenging times.
Some of these program are accessible only via SharpNET. Phone numbers are included where possible. For more details on these programs, please visit and sign in to SharpNET.
Resources focused on physicians' physical and mental wellness.
Confidential service dedicated to assisting physicians who may feel overwhelmed by aspects of their personal or professional lives.
A national, free and confidential support line made up of more than 600 volunteer psychiatrists.
Speak confidentially with a Sharp psychiatrist at 858-836-8371. Leave a voicemail and your call will be returned.
(SharpNET login required)
Programs and tools can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and are designed to support your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
On-demand resilience and burnout reduction webinars
Easy and healthy recipes that rely on pantry staples
Access to live trainings on mindfulness and acupressure — available at various times throughout the week to help you manage stress, improve sleep and reduce burnout
Support is available 24/7 at 858-836-8434. Other resources include:
Outpatient services
Treating depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction disorders in intensive outpatient services, including medication managementInpatient services
Managing acute psychiatric and addiction medicine emergenciesPhysician well-being committees
Working with medical staff leadership throughout the Sharp system to provide psychiatric and addiction medicine services for physicians
Stress First Aid (SFA) is a set of supportive actions designed to promote self-care and care for others, especially — but not exclusively — to those in high-risk, high stress occupations such as health care. The overall goal of SFA is to identify and reduce the negative impacts of stress before that can harm a person's health and well-being.
Chaplains provide spiritual counsel, emotional support, prayer or a nonjudgmental presence while you work through a worry or concern.
Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center
Reach a chaplain through Care Aware. For a non-urgent concern, leave a voicemail at 619-502-3450 and a chaplain will return your call.
If you need to speak with a chaplain urgently or after hours, call the Sharp Chula Vista operator at 619-502-5800. They will assist you in contacting a chaplain. You may also send prayer requests to SCVSpiritualCare@sharp.com.
Sharp Coronado Hospital
To reach a chaplain, call 619-522-3774 and leave a message. A chaplain is available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 am to 2 pm; Wednesday, noon to 5 pm; and Friday, 9 am to 1 pm.
Sharp Grossmont Hospital
Reach a chaplain at 619-740-6054 or 619-740-4170. Chaplains are available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Contact the hospital operator at 619-740-6000 to reach the on-call chaplain after regular business hours.
Sharp HospiceCare
Reach a chaplain at 619-667-1900, daily, 8 am to 5 pm.
Sharp Metropolitan Medical Campus
Reach a chaplain at 858-939-3475, daily 8 am to 8:30 pm. If you leave a message, your call will be returned.
If you need to speak to a chaplain urgently or after 8:30 pm, call the Sharp Memorial operator at 858-939-3400. They will assist you in contacting the on-call chaplain.
You may also send prayer requests to SMMC.SpiritualCare@sharp.com.
Sewall Healthy Living Center at Sharp Coronado Hospital offers acupuncture. Call 619-522-3798 or email HLC@sharp.com for any questions.
Comprised of representatives across the organization, Sharp Equality Alliance seeks to be a catalyst for embracing diversity and celebrating equality. Learn about resources on antiracism, LGBTQ+ and more.
Join a Safe Speak webinar (SharpNET login required) to connect with peers, speak openly, find support, brainstorm solutions and share unique experiences navigating the world with an opportunity to share how you're experiencing this time both professionally and personally.
San Diego Access and Crisis Line
If you or a loved one is experiencing a self-harm or mental health crisis, help is available 24/7 at 888-724-7240.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Highly trained expert advocates are available 24/7 at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) to talk confidentially with anyone in the United States who is experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of your relationship.