2023 Quality Pillar winners
Rachelle Sey, Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns
Rachelle oversaw multiple performance improvement projects in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She introduced and facilitated the utilization of a non-invasive form of respiratory support to decrease delivery room intubations in preterm infants by 42 percent. Additionally, Rachelle’s work also focused on quicker skin-to-skin contact in preterm infants with parents, improving NICU cooling protocols and increasing equity in healthcare initiatives.
Infectious Disease and Prevention, Sharp HealthCare – Multi-Entity
The team of infectious disease experts provided direction for mitigation of hospital acquired infections and responses to emerging viruses and infections. The group was tasked with developing policies, guidelines, tools and resources for a variety of emerging infections including COVID-19, Candida Auris and MonkeyPox. Their expertise, quick responses, and clear communication ensured Sharp HealthCare provided the best care for employees, patients and visitors.
Labor and Delivery – Jada System Implementation, Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns
The Labor and Delivery department improved the quality and patient outcomes for postpartum hemorrhage by implementing the Jada System. Hands-on training was provided for advanced clinicians, labor and delivery nurses, and providers. The department’s utilization of the new system led to improved clinical outcomes, reduced labor costs and decreased the total length-of-stay for patients by 18 hours.