5 quick tips for a healthy heart
From eating the right foods to getting enough sleep, these small lifestyle changes can make a big impact on the health of your heart.
Considered rare, testicular cancer makes up less than 1% of cancer cases in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute. However, it does affect nearly 9,000 individuals in the U.S. each year.
The good news: This type of cancer has a 5-year survival rate of over 95% with excellent results, even in advanced-stage cases.
About cancer of the testes
“It’s important to recognize the fact that male testes are formed out of several different cells — cells to create sperm, cells to develop hormones such as testosterone, and more — and each of these cells can develop into different types of cancer,” explains Dr. Kenneth Johnson, an oncologist at Sharp Chula Vista’s Douglas & Nancy Barnhart Cancer Center.
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 90% of cancers formed in the testes develop in the germ cells. The two main types of germ cell tumors are seminoma and nonseminoma.
“The incidence of seminoma and nonseminoma cancer cases in men is roughly the same,” says Dr. Johnson. “The treatment for each type of testicular cancer is different, illustrating the importance of obtaining an accurate diagnosis.”
It’s essential to remain diligent with testicular self-exams and health screenings, Dr. Johnson says. What's more, being cognizant of risk factors associated with testicular cancer can improve opportunities for early detection.
Risk factors of testicular cancer include:
Cryptorchidism, or an undescended testicle
Genetics or family history
HIV infection
Race and ethnicity
Treatment for testicular cancer
Testicular cancer treatment options include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, or some combination of these options. In collaboration with a radiation oncologist, urologist, fertility specialist and medical oncologist, an individualized treatment plan will be developed with the intent of maximizing the opportunity to cure the disease and preserve fertility.
“Testicular cancer can affect males at any stage of life,” explains Dr. Johnson. "It is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in males between the ages of 15 and 35. Because of this, it’s vital for patients to be active participants in their health by knowing the risk factors and undergoing regular exams, as early detection can greatly improve survival outcomes.”
Equipped with the latest technology and treatments in testicular cancer, our highly skilled team of experts provides personalized, compassionate care to each patient. Learn more about the Douglas & Nancy Barnhart Cancer Center at Sharp Chula Vista.
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