Doctor pointing to a tablet while consulting with smiling patient.

SADI-S gastrectomy

Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy

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Patients considering bariatric surgery have several options. At Sharp Coronado Hospital, we are proud to offer a procedure designed to help patients who need to lose the most weight: single anastomosis duodenal-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy, referred to as the SADI-S or SADI.

How the SADI procedure works

There are two steps to the SADI procedure:

  1. Your surgeon performs a vertical sleeve gastrectomy to reduce the size of your stomach and the amount of food it can hold.

  2. The lower part of the stomach is then disconnected from the upper part of the small intestine and reconnected to a loop of intestine further down. These changes in anatomy create significant hormonal changes in the body that drastically improve a patient’s metabolism and decrease absorption of fats and calories.

SADI advantages and disadvantages

As with all surgical procedures, there are advantages and disadvantages. At Sharp, we believe it's important you are aware of both.

Advantages of the SADI procedure

  • Highly effective for long-term weight loss

  • Most beneficial for patients with severe obesity

  • Helpful for patients who’ve gained weight back after a previous sleeve gastrectomy surgery

  • Reduces stomach size

  • Changes hormones that control hunger and feelings of fullness

  • Higher chance of controlling Type 2 diabetes

  • Lower risk of ulcer than other bariatric procedures

  • No dumping syndrome

  • Performed laparoscopically and robotically

Disadvantages of the SADI procedure

  • More complex surgery than other bariatric procedures

  • Must commit to lifelong vitamin replacement and close monitoring by your surgeon

  • Possible worsening of bile reflux

  • Procedure is not reversible

Is weight loss surgery right for you?

Make an educated and informed decision about weight loss surgery by attending a free educational seminar offered by Sharp Coronado Hospital. You will learn everything you need to know about SADI, including program requirements and other treatment options.

We also recommend you attend one of our monthly support groups to talk with and ask questions of other weight loss surgery patients.

Find out more

If you aren't sure if weight loss surgery is right for you or you don't meet the requirements, but are still interested in losing weight, learn more about our personalized weight loss programs.