For the media
Erin Peisach

Erin Famulare

Erin Famulare, RDN, is a wellness education specialist with Sharp Rees-Stealy.

Her interest in nutrition began after college, when she realized the powerful impact of eating right on healing the body. She saw, firsthand, the impact a better diet had on her own health, and loves sharing that with others.

Erin's favorite thing about her job at Sharp is working with her team, people who share the same passion in helping patients through nutrition and weight management programs. She feels it's a joy to come into work, and knows she has the support of her whole team.

Erin also runs a nutrition blog, where she shares articles and videos on healthy eating.

To learn more about Sharp's nutrition services, or to schedule an appointment, please call
1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277).

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