For the media

What happens to your body when you give blood? (infographic)

By The Health News Team | October 5, 2017

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood donation. First-time donors can sometimes feel nervous about the process, which is why we asked Dr. Kristen Rice, a hematology and oncology doctor affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group, to share some facts and tips about this lifesaving act.

Blood donation infographic

As part of Sharp Lends a Hand, Sharp HealthCare is committed to collecting 1,300 units of blood for the San Diego community in 2019. To support this effort, visit to find a donation center or mobile blood drive near you. Mention Sharp's code SHRP to support the 2019 goal.

For the news media: To talk with Dr. Rice about blood donation for an upcoming story, contact Erica Carlson, senior public relations specialist, at

View the printable version of this infographic.

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