Flu surges in San Diego
The County of San Diego is reporting record numbers of flu in San Diego and urging everyone eligible to get their flu shot.
Former marine engineer and Navy officer Robert Condon, 71, doesn’t give up easily.
More than 15 years ago, he began experiencing symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate, also known as benign (noncancerous) prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. The condition, which is the most common prostate issue in men over 50, can make urinating difficult due to the enlarged prostate blocking the urethra.
His urologist at the time recommended medications to help relieve symptoms. Although the medications helped somewhat over the years, bothersome symptoms remained. Eventually, another urologist taught Robert how to self-catheterize to help with urinating.
“I used catheters for about three to four years, but I wondered if there was any other solution,” says Robert.
Robert continued his search for a better treatment. In 2019, he met with Jennifer Urena, a physician’s assistant affiliated with Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group. Thinking he could benefit from a specialized procedure, she referred him to a new urologist, Dr. Tracy Marien, who is affiliated with Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group and Sharp Memorial Hospital.
Dr. Marien received specialized training to perform a minimally invasive procedure called holmium laser enucleation of the prostate, or HoLEP, which uses a laser to remove a blockage at the urethra for better urine flow.
“HoLEP is a great minimally invasive option for some men with this condition, and Robert was an excellent candidate,” says Dr. Marien.
The HoLEP procedure can be ideal for patients with troublesome urinary symptoms and a prostate that is larger than 100 cubic centimeters. Other surgical options include making incisions in the abdomen and bladder, requiring the patient to use a catheter for a week and take pain medications after surgery.
Feeling hopeful with the HoLEP procedure, Robert decided to proceed with surgery, which went smoothly.
“I had no issues after the procedure, and all the team members at Sharp were very professional and optimistic,” says Robert. He needed a catheter for only one night at the hospital and was discharged the next day.
Today, Robert enjoys working at his macadamia nut farm and playing with his grandchildren. He is happy that he no longer faces urologic symptoms and encourages others to keep seeking medical help for persistent health issues.
“I’m glad I eventually met Dr. Marien,” he says. “In addition to my prostate, I’ve received care at Sharp for my heart, hip and shoulder, and all the staff has been great.”
Learn more about urologic conditions that Sharp HealthCare treats.
For the news media: To talk with Dr. Tracy Marien about HoLEP, contact Erica Carlson, senior public relations specialist, at erica.carlson@sharp.com.
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